


Congratulations on deciding to embrace running! To guide you on your journey to enjoying this form of exercise, I’ve enlisted the expertise of ultra-marathon runner Megan Wotherspoon. Megan, who has developed a genuine love for running, shares valuable tips to help you make running an activity you genuinely enjoy. Let’s dive in and explore the keys to transforming your perception of running.

How to Enjoy Running

To enhance your enjoyment of running, consider diversifying your fitness activities to improve both cardio and strength, as suggested by Megan Wotherspoon, an accomplished ultra-marathon runner.

Megan shares a personal experience where she transitioned from hating running to running 10 miles without stopping after a month of hiking in the mountains. The focus was initially on boosting cardio fitness through alternative activities such as speed-walking up hills. This approach not only improved Megan’s breathing and overall cardiovascular endurance but also shifted her mindset from negativity to positivity regarding running.

Action Step:

  1. Cardio Improvement: Begin by concentrating on enhancing your cardio fitness. Engage in activities like walking on an incline treadmill, using a stepper, or stair master. Maintain a pace that challenges your ability to hold a conversation.
  2. Progressive Intensity: Gradually increase the speed as your fitness improves. This ensures a challenging pace that would make steady conversation difficult. This approach helps enhance cardio without subjecting your joints to the impact associated with running.
  3. Muscular Endurance: The cardio-focused routine also contributes to building muscular endurance, a valuable asset for running.
  4. Testing Your Progress: After a month of three 30-minute sessions per week, evaluate your newfound ability to run. You might find that increased cardio fitness has made your first run a more enjoyable experience.

As you establish a robust cardio foundation, consider incorporating high-intensity interval training (HIIT) to elevate your running to the next level. Megan Wotherspoon emphasizes the importance of incorporating non-running activities like HIIT, cycling, and yoga into your training routine. This variety not only prevents boredom but also aids in achieving both running and overall fitness goals.

How to Enjoy Running When You Hate It

Overcoming negative thoughts and self-judgment is crucial for developing a positive relationship with running. Many individuals struggle with self-doubt and criticism, creating mental barriers that hinder the enjoyment of running.

Common Negative Thoughts:

  1. “Those people can probably tell I’m not a runner.”
  2. “Why do I look so awkward when I run?”
  3. “Why am I so out of breath?”
  4. “Why can’t I go faster?”
  5. “I wish I was in better shape!”

Negative Imagery: These thoughts often come with negative mental images, such as envisioning people laughing at or judging you while running.

Action Step:

  1. Mindful Observation: During your next run, consciously observe the thoughts and images that enter your mind and note how they make you feel.
  2. Journaling: Document these thoughts, words, and images in a journal for self-reflection.
  3. Awareness for Change: Becoming aware of these negative thoughts provides a foundation for replacing them with more constructive and uplifting perspectives.

Ultra-marathon runner Megan Wotherspoon shares that experimenting with various mindset tricks has been pivotal in her running journey. Employing positive mantras, counting breaths, and focusing on strides are some of her preferred techniques to quiet the mind during runs. These strategies can help shift your mental narrative, fostering a more positive and enjoyable running experience.

How to Make Running More Enjoyable

  1. Identify an Easy Activity:
    • Think about an activity that comes easily to you, such as keeping an organized space, reading regularly, or excelling at work or playing a musical instrument.
  2. Positive Self-Talk:
    • Recognize that the internal dialogue during these enjoyable activities tends to be kinder and more positive.
  3. Apply Byron Katie’s Inquiry Process:
    • Take negative thoughts about running through Byron Katie’s inquiry process:
      • Is this thought true?
        • “Maybe – who knows?!”
      • Can I prove this thought is true?
        • “No, I guess I could ask, but I wouldn’t know if they’re honest.”
      • How does this thought make me feel?
        • “Self-conscious, insecure, and like I hate running!”
      • How would I feel without this thought?
        • “More relaxed and present, possibly even enjoying the run.”
      • Empowering Thoughts:
        • Generate alternative, empowering thoughts to replace the negative one.
  4. Action Step – Bring Questions on Run:
    • Write the inquiry questions on a cue card or print them out. Take them on your next run to address and transform negative thoughts.
  5. Distract the Mind:
    • Implement distraction techniques suggested by ultra-runner Megan Wotherspoon:
      • Future Planning: Consider future plans during the run.
      • Meal Preparation: Ponder meal ideas or plans.
      • Problem-Solving: Engage in problem-solving thoughts.
  6. Present vs. Distraction:
    • Megan emphasizes the balance between being present and employing distractions during runs based on personal preferences and the nature of the run.

Implementing positive self-talk, the inquiry process, and distraction techniques can reshape the mental landscape during running, fostering a more enjoyable and positive experience. Ultra-runner Megan Wotherspoon’s approach of occasionally diverting thoughts from running to other engaging topics adds versatility to the mental strategies applied during runs.

How to Love Running

  1. Introduction to Enjoyable Running:
    • Emphasize that transforming negative thoughts and enhancing cardio can lead to a love for running, potentially triggering the coveted “runner’s high.”
  2. Six Human Needs Psychology:
    • Introduce the Six Human Needs Psychology by Tony Robbins and Cloe Madanes as a framework for understanding how running can fulfill various fundamental human needs.
  3. Significance:
    • Connect running to the need for significance, highlighting that consistent running signifies courage and uniqueness in pursuing health and fitness goals.
  4. Certainty:
    • Explain how running provides a sense of certainty by contributing to a longer, healthier life. Suggest the strategy of pairing running with enjoyable activities like listening to audiobooks for a more positive association.
  5. Variety:
    • Address the need for variety by encouraging runners to diversify their running experience. This could involve changing running locations, exploring different audiobooks or music genres, and even participating in races in new and exciting places.
  6. Connection/Love:
    • Promote running as a social activity by suggesting running with friends or joining running groups. Emphasize the potential to forge connections with like-minded individuals and share the joy of outdoor activities.
  7. Growth:
    • Position running as a platform for personal growth. Encourage setting and surpassing milestones, using technology like treadmills and running watches to track progress, and continuously striving for new goals.
  8. Contribution:
    • Highlight the philanthropic aspect of running by referencing Megan Wotherspoon’s marathon dedicated to supporting the Cancer Society. Encourage individuals to align their running journey with meaningful causes.
  9. Action Step – Creating a Personalized Plan:
    • Prompt readers to invest 5-10 minutes in crafting a personalized plan for loving running by tapping into the Six Human Needs. This could involve setting goals, choosing running partners, selecting scenic routes, or planning charitable runs.
  10. Closing Remarks:
    • Reinforce the idea that running, when approached strategically, can address multiple human needs, making it a holistic and fulfilling activity.

By offering a comprehensive guide that intertwines the psychological aspects of human needs with practical strategies, individuals are empowered to tailor their running experience for maximum enjoyment and sustained commitment.